Saturday, October 07, 2006

Piece for PictureSpeak XIII: When Leaves, Leave

Oh, why oh why do you
bother to leave, you leaves,
only to return a few months
later for another quick fling
with me?

Do we not have splendid
days in the park, naps beneath
your shady arms, then reading
Austen 'til to dusk --
just stay, what do you say?

Alas, your shade changes,
you pack your bags and go
without saying goodbye, as if
our time together never
really happend...

...But I know we did, and though
you've left, you never intend to
leave for long

In a few months, when you
knock on my door,
I'll foolishly embrace our love affair
once more - me, the fool that can't
leave you.

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