Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What Really Gets The Audience Worked Up At The Movies...

I caught "I Am Legend" last night, and as the third film version from the original story, it wasn't half bad. But I'm pretty biased -- if Will Smith made a movie about him just eating a sandwich, I'd probably see it.

Anyhow, as most thrillers go, you'll hear the audience gasp in shock and awe during the movie, but do you know what everyone was most shocked about?

Was it the mutated-zombie-vampire people? The desolate, barren landscape of a New York City turned literally into a concrete jungle? Or Will Smith's hunting deer with an M-4 assault rifle?

No, none of the above. It was when he was at a gas station getting gas and, well, I think the lady behind me said it best:

Oh My God -- Gas is 6.95 a gallon!!!! Oh MY!!!! NO WAY!!!

It kind of stole the show for a moment, and I guess it says a lot about our society -- we'd rather be turned into flesh-eating mutants than have to pay high gas pricess.

Yikes, indeed... ;)

Check it out for yourself (pause the YouTube at 1:13):

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