Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Jury Duty: Day 3 - A Walk Through Shades of Grey...

I wish I could say that this was easy, but it's not.

I wish that forethought was stronger than hindsight, but it's not.

I wish the grey was a little less grey, but it's not.

I want to do a good job, but at what cost?

Gee, can I BE any more vague?

Okay, here's something I can talk about -- getting my ticket validated each day has become quite a mission unto itself. It's all about timing: If you get to court too early, the hand stamp is not let out. If you get there too late, the stamp is locked in the office. Today, the clerk was keeping it in her clutches with a Kung-Fu grip, for reasons I can't explain other than the stamp has started to become a symbol of control, and we are the underlings under her furtive rule.

In the end, we wrestled the Parking stamp from her clutches, and the mob and I stamped our tickets with glee. The new jurors looked at us in horror, for our sheer audacity to commit such an act, but hey, we're jurors on a case. We don't have time to fool around. Not today.

When will I be able to talk about all this? What will we have for lunch tomorrow? And how will we get the parking stamp out of the clutches of the Dragon Lady tomorrow?

To Be Continued... ;)

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