Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's Looking A Lot Like The Battle for Seattle...

Hey Kiddies,

In the news happening here in the Far East, the Chinese and the Taiwanese are having talks about economic relations, and from the political view, it seems to have went well.

However, protests still went on -- crowds used air horns and threw bottles at the police. Let's just say it's looking very "Rodney King" at the moment.

Yours truly is keeping out of the fray. I'm watching it Live like the rest of the country.

But on the subway home, we saw many that were heading to the demonstration site. They looked like they were ready to rumble.

In lighter news, I made a special trip that I'm going to share with you when I return back to Hong Kong -- all the pics and story included.

Keep Supa, Babies... ;)

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