Saturday, November 01, 2008

Hong Kong Halloween: Who'da Thunk It...

Hey Superfriends!

I'm sorry, but I've still been busy traveling to and fro and living the city life, so I haven't sat down to get much work done. However, I thought I'd post this up since I thought you might be curious how Halloween is done in Hong Kong, anyway.

It's basically the same thing: kids in costumes, running around, getting candy, and basically making life chaotic for parents that just want to sit down for a dang minute. Though it seems they're a bit lax on candy safety, I'm sure that the threat of Melamine contamination, SARS and other contagions keep the parents on their toes as always.

The area I'm staying in threw a little shin-dig for the kiddies:

More stuff later as always... ;)

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