Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tales from the Counter: A Little Girl's Dream...

I had to get to work early today for a project that's due, so to treat myself for waking up so darn early, I stopped by this local greasy spoon on the way.

While sitting at the counter, a young girl and her mother were enjoying their breakfasts of eggs and oatmeal, when all of a sudden the little girl said, "Mommy, I had this dream last night!"

The mother looked with somewhat feigned interest - the way mother's do when they've heard every crazy thing ever uttered from their child. But not wanting to disappoint, she replied, "Really? What was it about?"

The little girl lit up. "I was dreaming that I was inside a BIG TOASTER!"

"What were you doing inside a BIG TOASTER?," the mother asked.

"I dunno, but then, I POPPED out and I was all BURNT - like toast!"

The little girl laughed the way only a child can, and her mother simply sighed, but looked to her daughter with loving eyes.

And I, to be so lucky, to catch this exchange before my morning cup of coffee.

Seriously, I can't make this stuff up... ;)

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