Friday, March 14, 2008

Oh, it's A Gift For My "Inner-Child"...

A friend of my mothers' was visiting and she handed me a gift.

"I'm so sorry, I must have misheard her [my mother] over the phone," she said slowly.

She had asked my mother how old I was. A simple enough task; granted, if the call didn't drop between the numbers "2" or "8".

But I guess that's just the way serendipity works sometimes. I took the gift, and to my surprised eyes saw this:

A cute factor of 10!

And no, I'm not too old to love the crap out of this stuffed animal - made, of course, in China... ;)

o.g. 3/12/08


Derek said...

sweeeeeet. Stuffed animals are never a bad gift. My favorite is turkey stuffed with stovetop. Do Filets wrapped in bacon count as a stuffed animal?

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