Monday, March 31, 2008

Not Even Lint Off A Sweater...

Gone without a trace,
absolution train has left
the station for good...

***I may be a little sad this week, but I'm not gonna let that keep me down. I'm taking back the reigns - slowly... ***

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And Now, For Your Wednesday Viewing Pleausure...

It's Wednesday ya'll! Time to get your laugh on, brought to you by Unmentionables!

First up, "This Week In Jersey":

And "What-If: Reservoir Dogs":

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Random Haiku #75...

Old banana bread
fossilized in my car seat --
missed the chance to eat...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Have You Had Your Laughter Today?...

... 'Cause apparently, laughter is great for the heart, and I care about my fellow viewers and readers! So here it is, this week's sketches from Unmentionables!

Their website info plays at the "credits" at the end of each sketch. Check them out of you wanna know more. And besides, the more popular they get, the better the chance I can make a living at this!


The first one is "Baby I'm A Big Star Now":

And the second is "MC of MC's":

Friday, March 14, 2008

Oh, it's A Gift For My "Inner-Child"...

A friend of my mothers' was visiting and she handed me a gift.

"I'm so sorry, I must have misheard her [my mother] over the phone," she said slowly.

She had asked my mother how old I was. A simple enough task; granted, if the call didn't drop between the numbers "2" or "8".

But I guess that's just the way serendipity works sometimes. I took the gift, and to my surprised eyes saw this:

A cute factor of 10!

And no, I'm not too old to love the crap out of this stuffed animal - made, of course, in China... ;)

o.g. 3/12/08

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Come on, you know you wanna...

... LAUGH! It's Wednesday, and it's time for a little humor with a side of funny, so without further ado, I give you Unmentionables!

Hillary's First 100 Days:

Emergency Response:

And finally, Candy Man:

Friday, March 07, 2008

More Funny Than You Can Shake a Stick At!...

Hey ya'll, so...

With all my skull and bones-like secrecy, I bet you think I was planning something big, right?

Well, I've been up to my usual shenanigans, and as the editor for the Unmentionables - they'll be keeping me busy editing their hilarious sketches for weeks to come.

Releases will be happening every Wednesday, and I'll be posting them up here as well.

Check them out -- they could very well be the cure for the common day... ;)

Here's a link to their website, and of course, you can always check them out on my MySpace page as well.

Here's "What-If: Pulp Fiction"

And this is "Final Frontier"