Shot of a Toronto trolley. Luckily, we were driving on the right side of the road, or else
our vacation would have been cut short.

View from the sunroof of the rental car. Don't worry, I wasn't standing up -- or was I?

A backlit of the famous CN Tower. Or am I in Seattle, and this is actually the Space Needle? Hmmm...

This giant "X" in the sky is for the airplanes, so they know where the heck Toronto
is located.

This concert was held at the Harbourfront, right out on the edge of Lake Ontario.
A Reggae Festival was happening the whole weekend, and various Rasta bands
played on stage all day and all night. It was some of the finest weed - er, music - I've experienced in a long time...

Oh, and there was a FOOD PAVILION right next to the whole venue,
surprise, surprise...

... Cause you know, "concert going" can make you hungry, uh, yeah, that's it!
Stay tuned, for Day 2,
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