Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bye-bye For Now, Hong Kong...

I'm sitting at an airport lounge, hogging the bandwidth while eating ham and cheese finger sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

Yeah, I'm a poster child for the jet-setting slacker.

Anyhows, I guess by the time you read this folks, it'll be Thanksgiving day, and I hope you all find yourselves with people you can share it with, or, at least heading to places where the turkey is moist and the mashed potatoes are plentiful.

Most immediately, I'm thankful that I'm not stuck in Bangkok nor near anywhere in the vicinity of Mumbai. I'm also grateful that this year I survived my birthday without any bus incidents.

But most of all, I'm grateful to have the time to travel with my folks, and share all this with you all. For as always, you guys make it worth the effort to bring the camera along and show you how I'm viewing things at the moment I'm in them.

Speaking of which, I took a butt-load of pics in Hong Kong this time around on the extended stay, so if anyone has any particular things they want to check out first, let me know. Or, I'll just splurge them out throughout the month and into December to close out the year.

Things I will miss about Hong Kong:
1. The Food
2. The subway, buses and light rail travel
3. The Peak at sunset
4. Cute girls wearing fake Uggs
5. All the latest tech gizmos

Things that I won't miss about Hong Kong:
1. The People's "Go F--k Yourself" attitude
2. The Gunk of air pollution on my skin
3. Electronic bus signs that don't work
4. Automatic toilets that flush at the wrong moments
5. The crazy mini-bus drivers

But will I be back?


Next entry will be back in LA, where I'm sure the current rainyness will welcome me with open arms... ;)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I will miss the travel stories and pictures of foreign food...