Anyway, I didn’t scale a mountain like I stated previously. We did, however, manage to visit an active volcano. I think I’ve had my fair share of breathing in large amounts of sulfur this time around. There were four warning systems – Good, Fair, Mildy Dangerous, and Good-God-You-Shouldn’t-Be-Here. Though it was kind of foggy with high winds, we lucked out and just sneaked in right under the wire. The alternative was to visit the volcano museum, but we weren’t having any of that. No way did we travel so far and NOT risk our lives to witness nature at it’s most relaxed state.
Things I’m learning on the road:
1. Sitting at low tables cross-legged, even with chair backs, is a workout. I’m having to do crunches and sit-ups just to stay “relaxed”. I’m sure in 30 years time, I’d get used to it.
2. The Japanese here continue to speak Japanese even though you have no clue as to what they’re saying. They keep saying the same phrase over and over, but slower, as if by some miracle you’ll say something intelligible back. Ah, the perks of being an Asian foreigner.
3. Shop keepers don’t get upset when you don’t buy anything. They have none of the passive-aggressiveness of Chinese shop keepers. Like the difference between Vulcans and Romulans.
American Breakfast looks like. They all vary, but it's like this.
I know, why am I eating this instead of Japanese food? Guy
needs a little break, that's why!
They combine at the end without using a knife.
what does what, or at least I try to every time I
have to use the facilities. You just never know when
it'll go off...
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