Okay, where is it, you ask? Well, it's somewhere in the middle of China, and not quite near Tibet nor too low towards Beijing. Think, flyover-state, like a combination of Kansas, Tennessee and Nebraska. Believe me, it's on the map.
Anyhow, I'm gonna let the pics do the talking for awhile:
that no one seems to be using. It's 6 times larger than the
Staple Center, and just waiting to be filled, with, well, anybody.
like going to Yosemite -- if they turned it into an
amusement park.
see, he means business.
rock in front of you looks like a Lion -- doesn't it?
Come for the beauty, stay for the knick-knacks.
like this:
As if Walt Disney stopped by and consulted on the deco.
And you thought the "Dark Knight" lived in Gotham City!
I didn't want to feel left out. Oh, the peer pressure!
in order to get out of the caves. Although there were guys
lined up with sedans (basically, carrying your ass out) at the
bottom, most of us sucked it up and hit the pavement, er,
bamboo steps. I even helped out an old lady that was on
the tour with us. And I'm happy to report, she made it
through all 20 flights.
of the hill where our bus was (we will end up doing this
a lot at the other sights we go to).
corner. It seems they're more worried about you dropping
garbage on the ground than YOU dropping on the ground.
Then again, it's a bitch to get the custodians down there!
Next Up: The Stone Forest
goes "oink".
in one of the locals' ceremonies. The girl is supposed to refuse
a few times, so the guy has to keep pleading until she caves.
And with much persistence, she finally said yes, but not before
rushing into the bushes with the young man chasing after her.
Seriously, this part I am not making up. The happy couple
literally rode into the sunset -- their cars were parked a few
feet away.
However, it'd only be half true. The grass is actually, from
America -- imported Kentucky Bluegrass. Seriously,
I can't make this stuff up.
once again hike up there...
All right, that's it for now.
Next up:
More of Kunming, the city itself...
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