Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bye-bye For Now, Hong Kong...

I'm sitting at an airport lounge, hogging the bandwidth while eating ham and cheese finger sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

Yeah, I'm a poster child for the jet-setting slacker.

Anyhows, I guess by the time you read this folks, it'll be Thanksgiving day, and I hope you all find yourselves with people you can share it with, or, at least heading to places where the turkey is moist and the mashed potatoes are plentiful.

Most immediately, I'm thankful that I'm not stuck in Bangkok nor near anywhere in the vicinity of Mumbai. I'm also grateful that this year I survived my birthday without any bus incidents.

But most of all, I'm grateful to have the time to travel with my folks, and share all this with you all. For as always, you guys make it worth the effort to bring the camera along and show you how I'm viewing things at the moment I'm in them.

Speaking of which, I took a butt-load of pics in Hong Kong this time around on the extended stay, so if anyone has any particular things they want to check out first, let me know. Or, I'll just splurge them out throughout the month and into December to close out the year.

Things I will miss about Hong Kong:
1. The Food
2. The subway, buses and light rail travel
3. The Peak at sunset
4. Cute girls wearing fake Uggs
5. All the latest tech gizmos

Things that I won't miss about Hong Kong:
1. The People's "Go F--k Yourself" attitude
2. The Gunk of air pollution on my skin
3. Electronic bus signs that don't work
4. Automatic toilets that flush at the wrong moments
5. The crazy mini-bus drivers

But will I be back?


Next entry will be back in LA, where I'm sure the current rainyness will welcome me with open arms... ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daytrip: Macau -- It's All About the Egg Tarts...

Greetings, fellow Chill-axers!

Looks like yours truly will be heading home very soon, so the Asian adventures will be coming to a close -- for this year, anyway. No need to panic, I think I have other adventures in store for next year already, so until then, I guess I'll be returning this blog back to writing and poetry -- if that's all right with everybody...

We made a quick stop to Macau last week, where, if you last recall from last year, I didn't get to do as much walking around because of the Macau Grand Prix (silly us, we should have checked the schedule). This time around, I was determined to get some new pics of old things, some more panoramas, and of course, eat one of the famous Portuguese Egg Tarts. Not that they don't sell them in Hong Kong, but it really is about eating it where it comes from, like drinking Tuscan wine in Tuscany, or having a Fatburger in Fatburgerland, California.

Need not worry, this slideshow is pretty short, but I hope you like it anyway:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guilin, China -- It's a 3 out of 5...

Guilin, China -- a place that has seen a lot of change, even in the past few years. With the relaxation on restrictions of travel between neighboring provinces, Chinese from other areas are now flocking to these places in droves, supplying the local economy with booming tourism. In return, people bring back with them digital pic memories, trinket souvenirs and hours upon hours of video that I'm sure will both wow and moan/groan their friends back home.

The sites are pretty cool, albeit a bit sparse. We were on a 4 day tour, and some of that time was catered to the usual tour group stuff: suckered into tea-drinking places to buy tea, ushered into medicinal factories to perhaps buy some god-awful smelling ointments, and even a trip to a foot massage/reflexology center for a foot massage, and perhaps a chance to be talked into buying a lot of creams and things for the flight home.

The slideshow has a few of my fave highlights, and since I'll be heading home next week, I might wait to work on the videos I took in Guilin when I arrive back in Los Angeles.

As always, links to the album are on the bottom if you want the larger views:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Japan Videos: Trains and Remembering...

Hey Chickie-Wikkies!

Explored some more of Hong Kong today, which I'll probably post up later when all is said and done. So that means Guilin pics still are in the pipeline -- Traveling slacker ass be damned!

Anyhow, here's the last two sets of videos from Japan:

The First is of what its like to ride a Bullet Train:

The Second is my visit to the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall For the Atomic Bomb Victims:

As always, these videos are available in hi-res at my YouTube:

Supa-Wink-Winks... ;)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

UPDATE: Back from Guilin, China - But First, More YouTube!...

Hey Supa-Freaks!

Yep, I'm back in Hong Kong after 4 days in Guilin, China. Took a lot of photos as usual, and a bit of video, and yes, I'll get my slacker ass up and work on it soon.

Anyway, to tide you guys over, here's two more sets of videos from Japan:

The First video I took in some village, and two guys were up to their morning routine:

The Second video is a visit to Mt. Aso, an active volcano. You can almost taste the sulfur:

As always, if you want to check out these videos in hi-res, my YouTube is:

Til later!... ;)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Japan Videos: Blowfish and Beaches!!!!

Hey kiddie-roos!

Looks like I'm taking off for places unknown again tomorrow, so I leave you with the first pair of videos from Japan, with more coming out by the time I get back.

Anyway, first one up is where I tempt fate and eat the BLOWFISH!

And the second is of some beautiful beach and rock stuff.

Stay Supa, you beautiful people... ;)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Taipei: It's Like I Was Born Here Or Something...

An extra special treat this year: What better place to celebrate my birthday than to visit the place I first came into the world?

The hospital, as stated before, hasn't changed all that much in 29 years. I'm sure there's some new paint here and there, but other than that, it's like I took a journey back in time to see my past. I think I'll let the slideshow do the rest of the talking...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Taipei: It's Like I Never Left...

Taipei: It's a city of contradictions. Trying to be forward thinking, but moving backwards at times. It strives for democracy but is stunted by corruption. Sure, it has great Taiwanese cuisine, but it's Japanese food is even better (from all the years of occupation, no less).

I didn't roll any video 'cause I didn't do as much touristy stuff there, but I did do the usual shutterbugging, so that's what's in the slideshow.

It's a place that has kinda stood still. It provides change in small moves, and looks like it's gonna stay that way for the foreseeable future. That is both comforting, and sad, at the same time.

Interesting things observed:

1. It's not uncommon to be riding in a taxi, and the taxi license picture doesn't quite match the driver who's operating the vehicle. It seems a bit shady, but then again, I don't have the complete story

2. Women there may look Japanese, but they have the hip swagger of a typical Chinese gal-on-the-town. Kinda plays with the idea of "Naughty and Nice"

3. Seriously, the Japanese food there is better than the Japanese food in Japan. I wonder if it's because of the special mayonnaise...

4. Though it gets crowded, no one shoves or yells (not counting the protesting that turns ugly). It makes for quite the quiet chaos.

5. Want the best Iced Milk Tea in the city? Try one at the Shangri La Hotel -- it'll blow your mind away...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's Looking A Lot Like The Battle for Seattle...

Hey Kiddies,

In the news happening here in the Far East, the Chinese and the Taiwanese are having talks about economic relations, and from the political view, it seems to have went well.

However, protests still went on -- crowds used air horns and threw bottles at the police. Let's just say it's looking very "Rodney King" at the moment.

Yours truly is keeping out of the fray. I'm watching it Live like the rest of the country.

But on the subway home, we saw many that were heading to the demonstration site. They looked like they were ready to rumble.

In lighter news, I made a special trip that I'm going to share with you when I return back to Hong Kong -- all the pics and story included.

Keep Supa, Babies... ;)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day 7: Nagasaki, Arita, Return to Fukuoka

Things I’m learning on the road and food I’m gonna miss:

1. I’m really gonna miss the ice cream they have here. I’ll try and find some at the Japanese markets back home, but it just won’t be the same, I’m sure.

2. Hot Coffee In a Can. The epitome of caffeine efficiency.

3. Taragawa, our driver. Though he seldom gets the credit, we literally can’t make it without him.

4. Street food here is AMAZING! I normally don’t enjoy beef tendons, but they do it pretty swell here. All everything really needs is a little mustard sauce.

5. Guys on bikes are like ninjas of the street – you’ll never hear’em coming, and you’ll barely see them when they zip off.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Day 6: Kagoshima, Sinnyatushiro, Shimabara (Mt. Unzen Disaster Memorial Hall), Nagasaki...

Things I learned on the road that day:

1. Japanese baths have a height in which you are directly at eye level with “Asian Pork Sausages” when you are sitting down at one. I may have to write a blog just on that subject alone.

2. The act of bowing happens everywhere – when you enter, when you leave, when you take off in a ferry, when you finish a meal at a restaurant. If it was possible to harness the power of Japanese bowing, we could solve the energy crisis tomorrow.

3. If someone Japanese speaks Japanese to you and you have no clue what they’re talking about, they will pantomime the hell out of what they’re trying to say until you kinda get it. But the reverse does not always work out as well.

I'm Heading Out The Door Again...

Hey Supa-Freaks!

I'm heading on a plane to Taipei in the morning.

Cameras are coming with me. Internet, maybe.

And oh yeah, just to call it now -- Barack Obama is the next President of the United States.

There, I said it, so it has to be true... ;)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Day 5: (Japan Pic Highlights) Miyazaki, Horikiritouge, Udojinjya, Sakurajima, Kagoshima...

Hey ya'll,

Good news -- finally got a free day to work on some blog stuff. Bad news -- still haven't gotten to the videos yet! Damn it, I'm such a procrastisizer!!!!

Anyway, here's the stuff from Day 5 of being in Japan -- Since my photo hosting is all over the place, looks like I'll be doing Blogger slideshows from now on, so if there's something you like, just click on the photo and the larger version should pop up. If not, then just go to my alt site: for the larger pics.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Hong Kong Halloween: Who'da Thunk It...

Hey Superfriends!

I'm sorry, but I've still been busy traveling to and fro and living the city life, so I haven't sat down to get much work done. However, I thought I'd post this up since I thought you might be curious how Halloween is done in Hong Kong, anyway.

It's basically the same thing: kids in costumes, running around, getting candy, and basically making life chaotic for parents that just want to sit down for a dang minute. Though it seems they're a bit lax on candy safety, I'm sure that the threat of Melamine contamination, SARS and other contagions keep the parents on their toes as always.

The area I'm staying in threw a little shin-dig for the kiddies:

More stuff later as always... ;)